What can a man do if the wife was away for two weeks. Buy a new gadget to play with. I have been playing around the trial version of the software "Photomatix" for over a year and finally decided to get the full version last week. The idea of the software is to take a picture that is perfectly exposed to the high light and a one that is perfect exposed for the shadow to blend them together into a HDR, High Dynamic Range image. Well, our regular computer monitor cannot view the HDR image. It needs to be "tone mapped" to generate a viewable picture. During the ton mapping process, various parameters can be adjusted. It sometimes produced a particular look.
The RAW image of the modern camera already has a very wide dynamic range. Thus a single RAW image can be manipulated to also generate this particular HDR look.
I mean to photo this special mountain stream for a long time. It is very photogenic for two reasons. It originates in a volcanic hot spring and its water contains sulfur, which staines the rock into a reddish gold color. When the stream flows through the forest, the light shinning through the trees gives the rock and stream an added interest.
For the first picture, I used the software to generate a pseudo-HDR using a single RAW image. For the second image, I use Capture NX2 (Nikon's software) first generates a +2 stops over exposed image and a -2 stops underexposed image from a single RAW. I then blended the two together to generate a HDR. The result is interesting and does have a different look.
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