Lat weekend, I took this set up to the Aviary at Hong Kong Park. I used auto-ISO of 16--800. In most instance, the ISO was 800. The resolution and noise is about the level of my old D300, of cause, it is not as good as the newer D700, D4 or D800. I can achieve the same image size at 810mm, using 300mm f/2.8 with 2x teleconverter on D800. I will have the same effective aperture of f/5.6. However, I will have much better high ISO performance and much better focusing. But the weight difference between these two sets of equipment would be several folds.
V2 with FT1 and G lens can only focus in AF-S mode. If we turn the "Silent Photography" off, the shutter release has two distinct steps, press half-way, the camera signal that the subject is in-focus. Press fully, the second noise from the camera indicates that the shutter is released. It is good for focus/re-composition mode. But it is too slow for the moving subject such as birds. It is much better to turn "Silent Photography" on and just press the shutter release all the way down. The camera focusing mechanism is extremely fast and usually can get the subject in-focus instantly.
f/7.1 1/40 ISO800,110mm at 297mm |
f/5.6 1/60 ISO800, 240mm at 648mm |
f/7.1 1/125 ISO800, 116mm at 313mm |
f/5.6 1/200 ISO400, 135mm at 364mm |
f/5.6 1/60 ISO800, 85mm at 229mm |
f/5.6 1/125 ISO800, 300mm at 800mm |
f/5.6 1/25 ISO800, 165mm at 445mm |