Natural History Museum in Taipei has a special place in me. When I was very young, my father's office was closed to the Presidential Palace. The New Park, where the Natural History Museum was located, was also near by. At that time, 50 years ago, that area is the center of activities in Taipei. I have many memories of going through this park. Latter on when I was a biology major in the college, I will also pay occasional visits to the Museum. Now the New Park was renamed as the 228 park. I have not been to it since I cam back to Taiwan six years ago. A few day ago, I drove by the park and saw a free road side parking space. I parked the car and went in to the Museum. As always, when we have grown up, the thing we remembered as a child looks so small now. The mounted animals from Africa are no longer there. They were shot and gifted to the museum by the son of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, who is the father of modern China. It has one central hall and two levels. Each level has two exhibition rooms, one each at each wing. It is a classical monument build by Japanese in 1908.
I took the pictures with my D700 and 50mm/1.4 lens. I did not even use the in camera high ISO noise reduction function. They came out well, all I have to do was readjust the white balance a bit in the Capture NX2.
I wonder where were these photos taken?
i like uncle de photo~~so nice...^^
Came here thru An Arkie's Musings. Your photography caught my eye immediately.
Both these shots are great because of the unusual angles. I've been a long way back through your work and this really is a blog to treasure.
Beautiful architecture. You captured it so well.
Thank you for your visits to my blogs and for the comments you have left there.
Abe Lincoln Blogs
Abraham Lincoln's Blog
These two pictures caught my eye immediately when scrolling down your blog. It's really wonderful architecture with great details and captured very well by you. I would love to visit that place one day.
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